Emergency Appeal

We are amazed by the response from our first appeal in April. We raised nearly £10,000. You helped our Karis families get through the next 3 months. Thank you!

We are now able to give extra food and help cover rents for those not able to work due to the coronavirus lockdown in Uganda.

Urgent message from Bishop Zac & Ketrah

Last night we had an urgent message (6 May) from Bishop Zac Niringiye and Ketrah our Project Director. Many other families in the community will starve if they don’t get food during the next 12 days of the lockdown extension. The original Government food aid given has run out. These are families that are associated with our link churches.

So the plan is that Ketrah and the vicars are identifying the 100 most needy families in each of our six link church communities. We want to empower them to run an immediate food programme starting today. There's no time to waste.

Thankfully, we have funds in Kampala to borrow against so we can act now. But we need to replace the funds.

Lastly, we are concerned and want to highlight our Karis church vicars. They continue to care for their communities whilst suffering personally. Since the churches have been closed, they have not received any income. We want to send them a gift of love, to lend our support during this time.

In the days of the New Testament, we saw Paul write letters to churches to raise funds for those who were suffering in poverty (1 Cor 16.1–42 Cor 8Gal 2.10Rom 15:25–31). Our brothers and sisters in the faith are in need today. The church of Kampala has reached out and asked for help.

If you are not under financial pressure yourself, can you help?

The best way to give is a bank transfer

Please send your gift direct to…

Karis Kids
Account: 00020159
Sort Code: 40 52 40
Ref: Emerg 2

Gift Aid
Email edward.law@kariskids.org if you need a Gift Aid form. I'll send you one right away.

If you prefer you can also give online.

In both cases, please use the reference: Emerg 2

Please do feel free to contact me at edward.law@kariskids.org.

Thank you and please pray!

Edward Law

Will Law